In the twelve month of operations @LCYFlightInfo, which is powered by BizTweet, is the first airport worldwide to break 10,000 tweets per month with a monthly total of 12,002 for May 2016.

10,000 Tweets at London City Airport via @LCYFlightInfo
That equates to an average of 387 tweets per day, 16 tweets per hour or one tweet every 3.75 minutes.
However if the figures are based on the number of operational hours (96.5hrs per week) that equates to 28 tweets per hour or approximately one tweet every two minutes.
The tweets contain real-time operational messages for the passengers specific flight, direct to their WiFi device.
BizTweet processes operational, commercial and informational tweets for numerous airports. For the month of May BizTweet processed a total of 17,061 tweets. Worldwide, in May, airports send a total of 85,524 tweets. In effect BizTweet processed 1 in every 5 tweets sent by an airport.