Now with necessary social distancing measures put in place for healthcare providers including dental practises, the check-in process for patients arriving for their appointments for many may have changed from the previous self-check-in process using on-site kiosks to now having to make multiple phone calls back and forth to confirm their arrival and to be informed of the new checking in process, increasing waiting around time, delaying simple appointments and overall decreasing customer satisfaction significantly as a result.
Many staff at dental practises may be familiar with the current procedure of requiring the patient to call in to inform the clinic that they’ve arrived, and separately then having the staff to follow up with another call to notify the patient as soon as they’re able to enter the clinic.
Not only is this not ideal for the clinic due to it being more labour intensive (creating phone traffic, increasing pressure on staff and generally being more time-consuming), it’s also proven to be unpopular amongst patients themselves (increasing waiting time for other patients, increasing delays and overall decreasing quality of communication).
However, by integrating and linking user-friendly dental management technology like DenChat with your internal booking system – you can eradicate long and redundant phone queues, free up your staff’s valuable time and resources, increase quality of communication with your patients by up to 2500%, automate and streamline patient flow in and out of the building and allow for any vital feedback to be captured to improve the quality of services at the clinic. The bottom line is that your patients and staff no longer need to call one another to check-in so that the process becomes more automated to optimise the flow of patients in and out of their appointments.
Using DenChat, your patients can now independently manage their own time and check into their dental appointment right from the convenience of their own phone in the tap of a few buttons with popular social media platforms including WhatsApp, Messenger or WebChat that feature our top-rated AI chatbot (without having to make a single phone call). What’s more,
Your patient will receive real-time appointment notifications so that they stay informed via a virtual waiting room, as well as receiving reminder notifications leading up to the appointment to avoid appointments being missed or forgotten.
With over 99% of people familiar with WhatsApp, DenChat is easily integrable into the daily use of many and proves navigation friendly. Using DenChat, gone are the days of you and your team suffering the consequences of ineffective communication through tedious phone calls – freeing up your staff’s valuable time to be focused on more important tasks.
If you’re interested in using DenChat to improve the quality of your schedule management services at your dental clinic, contact us directly for more information about the software and how it can benefit you and your team : DenChat